W celi przystąpienia do konkursu wymagane jest złożenie kompletu dokumentów w wersji papierowej oraz elektronicznej:

1. Contest application form

Please fill in only those parts that apply to your project. Describe your project in detail and present the eco-friendly effects of its undertaking.

2. Category-labelled contest application form:

  • ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH: projects that have a direct impact on the health of the citizens; especially encouraged are those projects dealing with sustainable transport, urban greenery, and air protection.
  • SAVING RESOURCES: projects that have a direct impact on saving natural resources, especially those projects that deal with water and wastewater management as well as water resources protection and water management; waste management, energy efficiency.

  • ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND  TEACHING: educational projects, carried out by the cities, that promoted pro-eco behaviors among the citizens. Dokumenty, powinny być starannie wypełnione oraz podpisane przez osobę upoważnioną do reprezentowania miasta.

The documents should be filled thoroughly and signed by the person authorized to represent the city. 

A set of the documents in both the paper and digital form should be sent over via snail mail or submitted in person in a sealed envelope labelled “ Green Cities” to the 

Contest Office:

Sun & More sp.zo.o
ul. Rapackiego 8c,
71-467 Szczecin

Submitting the application equals accepting terms and conditions of our contest rules.


A city can be awarded more points if additional papers (i.e. films, clips, press releases, presentations, etc.;) documenting the undertaking of an activity/investment will be included with the application. Lack of such supporting documentation does not exclude a prospective participant from the contest.

2021 © zielonemiasta.eu